Two round table events took place in October...
This guide covers social landlords’ responsibilities when providing heating and hot water to residents, whether this is by individual property-based systems, such as domestic gas boiler or by communal systems, including district heating.
Tree Management - Should include an up-to-date tree survey and risk assessment showing the location and condition of any hazardous trees (see NHMF 2015 Bulletin). Maintenance of trees, any work should be carried out to a minimum of BS 3998:2010 Tree work recommendations, with advice published by the Arboricultural Association.
New arrangements for the operation of Primary Authority Partnerships were introduced from 1 October 2017.
This guide covers social landlords’ responsibilities for maintaining passenger lifts, access equipment and home adaptation equipment, such as hoists, stair lifts and vertical lifting platforms (‘through the floor’ lifts).
Any business which operates an LPG installation has responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Etc Act (HSWA) 1974 to ensure that the installation is safe to operate and does not present a risk to their employees and members of the public.
This guide covers social landlords’ responsibilities for maintaining communal areas (external and internal) so as to reduce the risks to health and safety to residents and visitors.
While there is no legislation covering the maintenance of heating and hot water systems supplied by renewable energy, those installations in receipt of...
This guide covers social landlords’ responsibilities for reducing the risk of legionella contamination and maintaining safe hot and cold water systems.
Common parts of blocks of flats, such as entrance lobbies and stairwells
The NHMF is the leading body representing housing providers, committed to championing innovation to deliver excellence in maintenance and asset management