
Contractor Corner

Our NHMF Contractor Forum Membership represents the housing sector’s very best in innovation, best practice, and collaboration. Embodying a broad cross section of organisations with differing interests and specialisms, from the large to the small, we’re speaking to a cross section of our members about the benefits they get from the Forum.


Skills shortages: meeting the challenge

NHMF Contractor Forum Chair and Ian Williams’ Executive Director, Mike Turner, discusses how as a sector, we can meet the challenge of skills shortages by putting training and retaining at the top of the agenda


Contractor Corner

Our NHMF Contractor Forum membership represents the housing sector’s very best in innovation, best practice and collaboration. This week, we spoke to Melissa Pearce, Client Relationship Director of Wates Living Space.


Why should social landlords start decarbonisation now?

There is a Climate Emergency. The sooner social landlords, their contractors and suppliers start to decarbonise their activities, the less risks and costs they will face. The following Q&A explains what the risks are, what can be done and how to get started.


Charitable Incorporated Organisation update

An update from Karl Linder, NHMF Chair.


Asbestos (September 2021 Update)

This guide covers social landlords’ responsibilities for managing any asbestos, including asbestos containing material (ACM), in their properties to protect anyone using or working in their premises from the risks to health that exposure to asbestos causes.


Net Zero Carbon: Are you ready?

Simple steps to get started now


Technologies paving the way for carbon reduction in our homes

There are several government proposals on the table signalling a transition from where we are today to net zero 2050.


Communal - Heating

The Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations 2014 came into force from 18 December 2014 but with certain regulations coming into force later. They were amended in March 2015 and in November 2020.


The NHMF Awards: Championing the next generation of apprentices

In January, we welcomed 500 delegates to the NHMF virtual conference and awards ceremony.

Our mission statement

The centre of excellence for improving property performance

The NHMF is the leading body representing housing providers, committed to championing innovation to deliver excellence in maintenance and asset management