Technical Area Sales Manager, Worcester Bosch
Originally from Worcester, Alex has worked for Worcester Bosch since 1999. After leaving Brunel university with a degree in business studies and sports science, Alex decided not to take the career path of his degree but to take the advice from his father who was an engineer for 45 years. So Alex applied for a technical role in the engineering services team at Worcester Bosch advising customers and trade about Gas and Oil domestic boilers. After 2 years gaining valuable training and experience internally, Alex was promoted to a field sales role specifying oil boiler products to the trade and advising clients in the Midlands and North Wales areas. In 2006 and 2007, Alex was offered a secondment role in The Republic of Ireland who at the time were growing economically and having major challenges with EU carbon targets. Alex reignited Worcester Bosch’s prescence in the ROI and lauched their new products of High efficiency Gas boilers, Air source and ground source heat pumps. After finishing his secondment in Ireland, Alex moved to London in 2008 dealing directly with clients in East London and Essex. Soon after, Alex was promoted again to Regional Manager where he learnt even more about the London market and the challenges for heating in resdential housing. However his current role as Key Account Director has expanded with additional responsibility covering Key Accounts and special new technology projects. Alex has seen some vast changes over the years and feels confident that Worcester Bosch are well prepared for the future, giving long term low carbon solutions (Including Hydrogen ready appliances and Heat Pumps) to a challenging and changing heating market influencing housing strategies. Alex works closely with clients to help create positive change and deliver quality solutions that are not only a good investment now, but also for the future. He is passionate about raising standards, and works with other industry bodies to create better quality homes, particlarly in the social housing sector.
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